
A Warm Meal

Every Tuesday Night,  our Community Outreach team provides a homecooked  meal for hungry and homeless families in Manatee County.

Since 2008,  nearly 400 meals per month have been served with love and respect. 

A Message of Hope

We believe faith, food, and friendship are all invaluable resources to helping someone through a difficult season.

Our weekly Community Dinner features a short story of faith, encouragement, and prayer. 

A Community Partnership

An incredible team of volunteers from all walks of life serve each week  in areas such as food prep, prayer team, dishwashers and more.

Our program resources are funded by
community contributions

Feed A Family

Your tax deductible gift will allow our Outreach to serve even more families in our area. Help us bring hope to Manatee County.  " this institution is an equal opportunity provider."